Tuesday 24 January 2012

Ethics from the Weekly Torah Portion: BO


I am constantly challenged by numerous people as to how practical the traditionally high moral and ethical standards of Judaism can be relevant in a "spiralling world that is filled with the pursuit of money and physical pursuits?"

This challenge can be answered using he story of the Exodus from Egypt.

One of the most fundamental aspects of the exodus story is the unlimited "bitachon" - absolute reliance - on Divine providence.

Imagine a whole nation; men, women and children; numbering several million; leaving a developed country with bountiful crops and a prospering economy to a long and perilous journey, without provisions and seemingly low chance of survival.

Why did they do it?

Because it was the word of God.
Just like in the past when the Jewish nation trusted God wholeheartedly and they were thus rewarded both spiritually with the Torah and the commandments, and physically with the land of Israel, a land flowing with milk and honey.

This faith; the Torah, Mitzvot (religious commandments) have kept us going for centuries, and through this alone can we liberate ourselves from all "natural" restrictions and limitations.

And it is through this that we can achieve true happiness; both material and physical.

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