Follow the Leader
In this week's Torah portion, we read about the splitting of the Red Sea, and the subsequent songs and praises offered up to God afterwards.
Concerning the men, the verse tells us that "then Moshe sang and the children of the Israel (sang) this song to God". But concerning the women's song, the verse tells us that "the women came out after her (Miriam) with tambourines and dancing".
What is the difference between these two songs? Why did the men simply join in the singing, whilst the women sang and danced with tambourines?
The women did not delegate their responsibilities to their leader. They did not sit back and let Miriam the prophetess do all the work.
Rather, each and every women made a tambourine for herself, which showed a personal effort to trust in God's redemption and rejoice in it when it arrives.
There is a growing temptation with us to sit back and let our leaders to all the work. We may think that being inspired and inspiring others is better left with the Rabbis, lay leaders, etc.
But we learn from Miriam and the righteous women that we need to join the collective effort with a personal effort; we need to be individual leaders. Thus we can boost the collective effort and ensure that we and others and left inspired and the connection with God is thus renewed and invigorated.
Tuesday, 31 January 2012
Beshalach: Leadership 4 U
Wednesday, 25 January 2012
BO - Ethics from the Weekly Torah Portion
But when we seek to go against the tide, we must know that we are not alone.
And who is better to have on your side than the Creator of the world?
Thus, Moses, and every Jew to this very day is reassured that when there is a battle to fight; one will never fight alone.
Tuesday, 24 January 2012
Ethics from the Weekly Torah Portion: BO
I am constantly challenged by numerous people as to how practical the traditionally high moral and ethical standards of Judaism can be relevant in a "spiralling world that is filled with the pursuit of money and physical pursuits?"
This challenge can be answered using he story of the Exodus from Egypt.
One of the most fundamental aspects of the exodus story is the unlimited "bitachon" - absolute reliance - on Divine providence.
Imagine a whole nation; men, women and children; numbering several million; leaving a developed country with bountiful crops and a prospering economy to a long and perilous journey, without provisions and seemingly low chance of survival.
Why did they do it?
Because it was the word of God.
Just like in the past when the Jewish nation trusted God wholeheartedly and they were thus rewarded both spiritually with the Torah and the commandments, and physically with the land of Israel, a land flowing with milk and honey.
This faith; the Torah, Mitzvot (religious commandments) have kept us going for centuries, and through this alone can we liberate ourselves from all "natural" restrictions and limitations.
And it is through this that we can achieve true happiness; both material and physical.
Saturday, 21 January 2012
Ethics from the Torah Portion: BO
Friday, 20 January 2012
VA'EIRA - Ethics from the Torah Portion
Thursday, 19 January 2012
Va'eira: Ethics from the Weekly Torah Portion
Tuesday, 10 January 2012
Tips for Life: PRIORITIES
Similarly, when going for a partner for life (a wife/husband), don’t fall into the trap of being blinded purely by their looks - it’s their personality and character that will be around in the future, together with your common goals; looks tend to get ’no better’ over time (don‘t say that to their faces). If you want something that's going to be meaningful, happy and something that will last, it’s all about making an intelligent choice of priorities.
by Rabbi Daniel Fine
Monday, 9 January 2012
Time is everything - Mussar from the Parsha - SHEMOT
The Ramchal - Rabbi Moshe Chaim Luzzato is one of the most renowned authors of works of ethics and rebuke - Mussar - the most famous of with is Mesilat Yesharim - Path of the Just.
In the "Path of the Just", the Ramchal writes that one of the cunning techniques of the evil inclination is to keep a person so busy with sinful and destructive activities and thus to deny him the opportunity to actually stop, think and ponder the direction his life is taking, and where he wants it to go.
"For the evil inclination knows that if people had the time to stop and plan their life plan carefully they would feel regret for their sinful actions, and eventually transform their lives into lives of righteousness and goodness."
This is the same principle as Pharaoh's plan. By keeping them preoccupied with their back-breaking labour they had no time to focus on serving God or their redemption from slavery.
However, the Shem MiShmuel points out that this exact same stratagem can be inversely used for the good. By filling up one's time with constructive and useful good deeds, one has no time to sin. When one is so absorbed in good, it is just impossible for any sliver of wickedness to creep in.
The Talmud relates that Rava, the 4th generation Babylonian "Amora" Talmudic sage was once so engrossed in his learning that he failed to realise that a bench had falled and completely crushed his foot to a pulp. He did not even notice this severe fose of excruciating pain.
Similarly, the great Chassidic Master, Rabbi Menachem Mendel of Kotzk told his Chassidim - followers:
"I want you to refrain from sinful activity not because you are repelled by its defilement and baseness, but simply because you have no time for it."
We are all so busy these days, running to and from work, school, home, etc but we have to set aside time for the things that really matter to us in life.
A recent global campaign was held a few months ago which encouraged users to disconnect from all digital devices - iPhones, Blackberries, iPads, Android, Windows mobile devices - you name it - and devote one hour - smartphone-free - for the things that really matter; from spending time with the family to volunteering at an old-age home or an institution distributing food for the needy. The principle was that we should fill our time with what is good and important - and we should just open our eyes and realise what is what.
Commencing with Pharaoh and continuing with all the "Pharaohs" that have been around since, they strive for our spiral into despair. We must only move uni-directionally.
And that way is up.
Sunday, 8 January 2012
Ethics from the Parsha - SHEMOT
In this week's Torah portion, Moses replies to God's command of leaders and responds by saying that the Jewish people "will not believe" that God has spoken to him and "will not listen" to Moses' voice.
However, Moses knew the Jewish people were awaiting for a leader to come and lead them out of Egypt. Even Pharoah knew that a leader would take the Jewish people out of Egypt, which is why he issued the command to drown all newborn Jewish baby boys in the Nile.
Why therefore, was Moses confident that the Jewish people wouldn't allow him to be their leader?
Moses' fear was actually that the Jewish people would be so crushed by the years of servitude and back-breaking labour that redemption just seems too far off the horizon. He knew they would believe him in the theoretical sense, but he needed a sign to make their belief concrete and palpable in the physical realm.
If a miraculous sign was given, this would arouse their inherent belief to a more tangible state.
However, why was God upset at Moses' comment? He did not completely deny the Jewish people's belief in God and His messenger?
However, by speaking in such a manner, Moses was subtly insulting the Jewish people. God was upset that Moses didn't fully realise that the Jewish heart and spirit remains intact; and is impervious to the sufferings of the lengthy exile.
This can be comparable to an account recounted in the book and subsequent film "Defiance" that chronicles the remarkable bravery of the Bielski brothers, who led a Jewish partisan group in the forest and is renowned for protecting non-combatant civilians as well as fighters. There is an account that in order to rally the Jews and to raise their spirits, Tuvia Bielski recounts the story of the Jews and their exodus from Egypt. Just mentioning the story of the Egyptian slavery and exodus is seemingly enough to raise spirits.
But going back to Moses; surely this slight oversight wasn't so demeaning and shouldn't have been severe enough to warrant God's upset?
This is just testimony to Moses' greatness. The greater one is, the more severe his demeanours become. Take, for example, a student in school. At age 7, one can write several grammatical errors but still get a high mark in an English essay. However, at age 17, a lot more is expected form the student and even 1 or 2 grammatical errors can result in a low grade.
Therefore, from this incident, we learn the tremendous importance of always speaking positively about the Jewish people.